Instructions for Camera-Ready Paper Preparation and Submission

The Camera-ready papers must be submitted together with the License-to-Publish form and source files (LaTeX / Word) by 22 October 2024. 

Dear Authors of WISE 2024 accepted papers,

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer volume “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (LNCS).  LNCS volumes are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; etc.

High-quality papers will be invited for submission to special issue of international journals after revision and extension – the list of journals are provided on the conference website.

1. Paper Revision

To prepare the camera ready of your paper, please carefully study the reviewers’ comments supplied to you previously by email and revise your paper accordingly.

2. Paper Length

Please respect the exact page length limit ***communicated to you in the acceptance notification email***. The page limit includes references and appendices.

3. Formatting Guidelines

All authors are kindly required to follow the LNCS Author Formatting Guidelines from Springer for the preparation of their manuscripts. The Author Guidelines document summarizes how a proceedings paper should be structured, how elements (headings, figures, references) should be formatted using predefined styles, etc.

In particular the following points:

  • The use of the the following Springer proceedings templates ( for LaTeX or for MS Word, for the preparation of your papers: is Mandatory
  • Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.
  • Please do not change the paper margins, font, and font size in the templates. We will check and return your manuscript to you, so please do not do it (to save your and our time).
  • Please make sure also that your paper contains no page numbers. This information will be added by the conference publication team.
  • Please indicate the corresponding author in the paper header (where the authors are listed along with their affiliations and email addresses). Read this document about how to indicate the corresponding author.
  • There can be ONLY ONE corresponding author per paper.
  • The corresponding author MUST give their email address after their affiliation. The other authors are encouraged to give their email addresses as well, but this is not mandatory.
  • All authors are required to give their affiliations (including the city and country).

Noncompliance with the formatting guidelines might lead to the exclusion of your paper from the proceedings.

4. License to publish Form

  • The corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all authors of that paper, must complete and sign a License-to-Publish form.
  • The corresponding author signing the License-to-Publish form must match the corresponding author marked on the paper.
  • The License-to-Publish form can be downloaded from here. Then, it must be completed with the list of authors’ names, contribution title, the corresponding author and, then ink signed by the corresponding author.
  • The scanned copy of the form must be added to the camera-ready zip file (detailed below).
  • It is not allowed to modify the form.
  • The “Title of the Contribution” (i.e., paper title) and the List of Authors should match exactly the title and the list of authors of the paper.
  • The form must be signed by hand and scanned. Machine-typed signatures and digital signatures are NOT ACCEPTABLE by Springer.

5. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism

  • It is the authors’ responsibility to make sure that there is no plagiarism in their paper.

6. Camera Ready Submission

As soon as all the above is done, please upload one ZIP File containing the following elements by October 22, 2024 via the EasyChair:

  1. The PDF of your final camera-ready.
  2. One zipped folder containing all source files (MS Word in DOC or DOCX, or LaTeX, including figures) of your paper.
  3. A scanned copy of the filled in and signed License-to-Publish form as a PDF file.

To upload the ZIP file, click on your paper in Easychair, then add a file, you will find a new field “Camera-ready” accepting ZIP files only. Then, select your ZIP file and submit it.

It is not allowed to submit the ZIP file twice, so make sure everything is OK before submitting your file.

7. Authors Registration

  • To ensure that your paper will not be excluded from the conference proceedings, at least one author must register and pay full registration fees by the October22, 2024 [SHARP].
  • The student reduced fee applies only when there is a second full registration payed for the same paper.
  • There is no onsite registration.
  • Once you register your paper, send a confirmation email to ( with the following information: paper ID, the paid registration fee, the list of authors attending.
  • To register, please visit the link here: